« Sucre.» est un blog de dessin et de bande-dessinée gribouillé par Jérôme Sénaillat (AKA. « Remka» ) ou il évoque en vrac son amour de la pizza au pepperoni, sa vie à Tokyo et tout ce qui lui passe par la tête. Vous pouvez le contacter par mail à remuka@gmail.com

Toll Linehaul Enterprise Agreement 2004

31.5.6 A worker who wishes to adopt a child shall be entitled to leave without pay for the purpose of participating in mandatory interviews or examinations required as part of the adoption procedure. The worker and the employer should agree on the duration of unpaid leave. In the absence of an agreement, the worker is entitled to a maximum of two days of unpaid leave. Where the worker has paid leave, the employer may require the worker to take such leave instead. 15.2.11 (b) A full-time worker who applies for and obtains part-time work may return to full-time employment at any given time, after consultation with the employer and recorded in writing. 11.1 A consultation mechanism and procedures should be defined appropriate to the size, structure and needs of the undertaking or workplace. .

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